Virtual Life Rituals for Life Transition, New Life, Health, Motivation, Achievement & Awakening
Virtual Life Rituals for Life Transition, New Life, Health, Motivation, Achievement & Awakening
Virtual Life Rituals for Life Transition, New Life, Health, Motivation, Achievement & Awakening
We don’t have too much ritual in our life anymore. And these life symbols which people rely on to keep their feeling of well being, that life is not too bad after all are required more and more.” John Hench
Are you at the crossroads of life? Do you want to experience the SACRED? Would you like to transform your life? Do you want to honor the SACRED? Do you want to connect with the SACRED? Do you want to live a NEW LIFE? Try a Life Cycle Ritual!
You may choose from the following Life Cycle Ceremonies: Life Transition Ceremony, Adolescent Ceremony, New Life Ceremony, Freedom from Addiction Ceremony, Custodian of Wealth Ceremony, Healing Ceremony, Motivation Ceremony, Awakening Ceremony, Regeneration Ceremony, Spiritual Connection Ceremony, Marital Bliss Ceremony, Life Celebration Ceremony or a Spiritual Ceremony.
This is a virtual ceremony but you could also arrange for a Temple Ceremony. Please contact us for more information before your purchase. Thanks